Graphology – The Handwriting Analysis

Graphology is the generic term for handwriting which comes from two Greek words that means “Graphe” means writing and the suffix “Ology” means study/science. Graphology can tell about a person’s nature and personality, it can also tell you about your health your education your character and what career suits you best. It measures the structure…


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Graphology is the generic term for handwriting which comes from two Greek words that means “Graphe” means writing and the suffix “Ology” means study/science. Graphology can tell about a person’s nature and personality, it can also tell you about your health your education your character and what career suits you best. It measures the structure and movement of the written forms like slants, angles and spacing. It consist of 3 things movement, spacing and form. Graphology is very much used for forensic investigation..Call us or message us for your own #graphology report and #Signature #analysis