Addressing Issues with Family Constellations

As the saying goes, “Home is where the heart is”. You feel most affectionate when your loved ones are around you at home. After a long stressful day, an individual looks forward to going home to their loved ones. Family life is integral and crucial. Family members are the most important part of our life.…


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As the saying goes, “Home is where the heart is”. You feel most affectionate when your loved ones are around you at home. After a long stressful day, an individual looks forward to going home to their loved ones. Family life is integral and crucial. Family members are the most important part of our life. They are the closest and dearest.

It is important that your family shares a close bond, and live in a happy environment. However, sometimes some problems can cause a lot of distress in the family. While you may be looking for solutions, family constellations are an effective and unique approach that can support to resolve your family problems.

Family constellations also known as Systemic Constellations has been developed by the German therapist, Bert Hellinger. It is an alternative therapeutic method, a therapy that is based on the ideology that problems sift from generation to generations causing stress in the here and now. Hence, family constellation is a method that helps to find the problem and provide a solution.

Conducted as group sessions with individuals who are not related, family constellations can help resolve some of the key family problems including :

  • Negative relationships
  • Desire to build romantic relationships
  • An attempt to resolve family imbroglios
  • Overcome an inner turmoil
  • Someone experiencing trauma
  • Seeking personal or professional progress

Thus, family constellations as an alternative therapeutic approach are gaining popularity. It is a cost-effective and powerful method of resolving family or relationship-based issues or challenges.

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