Ajna Chakra

Unveiling the Third Eye: Journey into Ajna Chakra’s Inner Vision. The sixth chakra, Ajna Chakra is to be pronounced as ‘Agya’ chakra. The Ajna chakra is the third eye which is the conscience, located between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. It is known as the Third Eye Chakra and it means perception.…


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Unveiling the Third Eye: Journey into Ajna Chakra’s Inner Vision.

The sixth chakra, Ajna Chakra is to be pronounced as ‘Agya’ chakra. The Ajna chakra is the third eye which is the conscience, located between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. It is known as the Third Eye Chakra and it means perception. As a part of the brain, the Agya Chakra signifies the subconscious mind. One can increase their inner strength and vitality through meditation, attending spiritual sessions and practicing yoga.

The Agya Chakra as the third eye can see the future insights, apart from the two eyes that see the physical world. This Chakra connects individuals to their intuition, enables communication with the world, and facilitates receiving messages from the past and future.

The Agya Chakra is a source of vital energy that enables you to experience clear thinking. It helps you to perceive things as they are, with a straight and clear thought process. It enables you to cut through illusions and access deeper thoughts. Moreover, it helps you to connect with your inner guidance that comes from the depths of your being.

When your Agya Chakra is open and balanced, it enables you to trust and act with your confidence. You make your choices that are right and act accordingly with accurate assessments of people and situations. The power of the Agya Chakra allows you to see the truth, awakening your foresight, enhancing your creative brilliance and deepening your ability of imagination and visualization.

However, it is significant to have a free flow of energy in the third eye. The blockage of energy flow can be due to ego, pride and too much seriousness. The imbalance can lead you to live in an illusionary world, and further cause physical trouble like- sinus problems, high temper, and stubbornness.

Thus, it is important to maintain the balance and energy flow in the third eye. You have to strengthen your willpower, stay calm and meditate to destroy all your egos.

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