Anahata Chakra

Anahata or Heart Chakra: Pathway to Unconditional Love and Emotional Balance. Anahata is a primary chakra that is vital for its association with the heart. Anahata, known as the Heart Centre, sits near the physical heart in the dorsal region of the spine. It is regarded as the seat of love, akin to the heart…


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Anahata or Heart Chakra: Pathway to Unconditional Love and Emotional Balance.

Anahata is a primary chakra that is vital for its association with the heart. Anahata, known as the Heart Centre, sits near the physical heart in the dorsal region of the spine. It is regarded as the seat of love, akin to the heart itself.

Situated right at our hearts, Anahata Chakra emphasizes on the purity and sound produced without touching two parts. It embodies balance, calmness, and serenity. Thus, concerned with the divine love bestowed in the heart, it concerns with the freshness that enables us to listen, see and experience life with a state of openness.

The energies produced are specific to cooperation and integration. They bring peace and harmony, along with, the ability to witness the world with a new perspective. The name Anahata suggests that the synergy between energies at a level where the first three energy centers—Muladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipura—interact is due to a conscious confrontation between opposing forces.

In Manipura, individuals abide by the laws of karma, while Anahata empowers decision-making abilities. It helps an individual to follow the heart, make decisions and free oneself of all unfulfilled emotions and desires. Thus, the heart chakra is compassionate and associated with love and psychic healing. It is an imperative and primary chakra that controls the unwanted emotions of life, makes one decisive and lets the individual listen to their heart strongly.

The Anahata Chakra focuses on the most important feeling of life called love, thus, it is crucial to maintain the positive energies of the Anahata Chakra with purity and clarity. They make an individual closer to other individuals with their positive aura of the heart beating rightly.

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