Difference between Vedic (Indian) and Western Astrology

Navigating Astrological Traditions: Contrasting Vedic and Western Approaches. Astrology relates to curing of ailments and suffering in a human life. It is the perfect combination of art and science that fills the life with happiness, eradicating torments of life. Determining positivity, the key intent of Astrology is to eliminate problems in life. However, there are…


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Navigating Astrological Traditions: Contrasting Vedic and Western Approaches.

Astrology relates to curing of ailments and suffering in a human life. It is the perfect combination of art and science that fills the life with happiness, eradicating torments of life. Determining positivity, the key intent of Astrology is to eliminate problems in life. However, there are only two distinct types of Astrology- the Vedic (Indian) and Western Astrology. The two types of Astrology differ due to their place of origin, along with, a few other parameters that greatly determine their difference.

Vedic Astrology is comparatively older than Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology was developed by sages thousands of years ago in the Indian Subcontinent, whereas, Western Astrology, is influenced by the Egyptian civilization and also the intellectual mechanism in Greece.

The difference in practice distinguishes Vedic and Western Astrology. The Vedic Astrology concentrates on a fixed zodiac called the ‘Sidereal Zodiac’, while Western Astrology works on a moving zodiac, called the ‘Tropical Zodiac’. The tropical Zodiac works on the basis of the orientation of Earth to the Sun, while the Sidereal Zodiac works upon the time taken by Earth to revolve around the Sun but with the basis of a fixed star- Chitra.

Vedic astrology is a Moon-based system that takes into account all aspects of life. It comprehensively depicts an individual’s life. On the other hand, Western astrology is based on the Sun and focuses only on an individual’s psychology, personality, and character traits. When it comes to future predictions, Vedic astrology works based on the Dasha system, while Western astrology works on the traits of planets based on the Solar and Lunar systems.

While Western astrology works with planets like Pluto, Uranus and Neptune, unlike the Vedic Astrology which considers the planets and constellations- 27 lunar constellations called Nakshatras and 9 planets- Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu and two nodes of Moon.

Nonetheless, each system of Astrology either Vedic or Western follows its own procedure and practices, yet, ensuring they define happiness and contentment, reducing stress and negativity in life.

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