Akashic Records

Akashic Record or soul book is like a living data base which contains not only current information about the life you are leading, details about the lives you have lived in the past, and what you intend for the future. The energy that contains the information in the Akashic Records is called Akasha, which is a Sanskrit term meaning “primary substance.” This is the energy that makes up everything in the Universe. It is the energy of love. In Hindu mysticism Akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles of fire, air, earth, and water, are created. Every vibration that occurs in the Universe through our thoughts, words, and deeds creates an indelible imprint on the Akasha, leaving an energetic recording of every soul and every creation. The records of our soul is in akashic records stored in the akashic library. The Good, the bad, the past, the present and the future all listed in our Akashic Records.