Gemstone Therapy

Gemstones have a special significance in Vedic astrology. Gemstones are used from ages of ages to liberate the problems cussed by planets. In the days before only the kings and People with high levels used to wear gemstones recommended by Astrologers and have their benefits, but now a day’s this information is easily accessible to everyone and they can wear and get the benefits of the gemstones.

Wearing gemstones for planetary relieved today prevalence is growing rapidly. Because the people who are holding these gems are benefiting them in every area of life even if progress in Business, education, illness acting etc. Nowadays every person right from the Bollywood to industrialist is taking advantage of gemstones.

Natural gemstones can give the desired benefits and according to Vedic astrology our 9 planets represent, the 9 special gemstones. The rationale behind the use of the power of gemstones is to avert the bad effects of planets and to augment the good effects is dependent on the colors and vibrations of the various planets.

The color of each planet is reflected on the human body through gems which absorb the rays and vibrations of the planet which would in turn influence the person wearing the gem. Here in fact Gems act like a receiver, receiving the colors and vibrations from the planets (transmitters). That is gemstones attract and condense the astral energy waves and transform them for the use of human energy system, like a crystal used in radio receivers to transfer invisible radio waves into.