Numerology number 10

People born on any 10th of the month are ruled by Sun, as number 1 is ruled by Sun, the positive attribute of this people are self-assurance, creativity, singularity, and independence. You are full of vitality and ambition. You like to take a leading role and express originality. Your strong willpower and determination urge you…


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People born on any 10th of the month are ruled by Sun, as number 1 is ruled by Sun, the positive attribute of this people are self-assurance, creativity, singularity, and independence. You are full of vitality and ambition. You like to take a leading role and express originality. Your strong willpower and determination urge you to lead, then follow. Developing tolerance, compassion, and patience will help to achieve your goals. The challenges for number 10 individuals are lack of confidence to overconfidence, being demanding, arrogance, selfishness, and a streak of the dictatorial.

Days of the week favorable: Sunday and Monday

Fortunate colours: All shades of gold, yellow, and golden brown

Lucky jewels: Topaz, amber, yellow diamond and stones of these colour

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