Origin of Numerology

Unveiling the Origins: Exploring the Roots of Numerology The fact is- life is uncertain! While you may be witnessing several unanticipated incidents, you must be wondering about the coinciding incidents in your life. Anxious and curious, we all try to seek our answers. The vicious cycle is grave and immensely disturbing. As we believe that…


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Unveiling the Origins: Exploring the Roots of Numerology

The fact is- life is uncertain! While you may be witnessing several unanticipated incidents, you must be wondering about the coinciding incidents in your life. Anxious and curious, we all try to seek our answers. The vicious cycle is grave and immensely disturbing.

As we believe that incidents in life are unavoidable, yet, we can work upon them to improve and progress. While astrology has been a key factor in helping us understand our stars and situations in life, numerology is the divine and mystic relation between a number and the coinciding incidents of life.

Followed alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts, numerology is the science of understanding the numerical patterns, their position in a sequence and further drawing pseudo-scientific incidents from it. The numerologists believe and determine faith from numbers and their vibration. So when did it all really start?

Numerology has existed since the ancient discovery of mathematics. The numerology is believed to be founded by the Greek Philosopher, Pythagoras around 569 BC. Pythagoras, the astrologer and numerologist developed and allotted the numbers 1 to 9 in sequence of the alphabets from A to Z.

However, most historians do not know about Pythagoras, as very little of his original work survives. It is strongly believed that much of his work came only hundred years after his death through his followers. As emphasized in the world of Numerology, Pythagoras is also known for his mathematical work. Remember the “Pythagorean Theorem’, and also the “Pythagoras’s constant’ or the first irrational number, the square root of two.

Pythagoras and his followers believed that each number has a vibration, a mystical property to it. They believe that numbers can determine everything in life and we can measure and describe all incidents in our life through numbers. Thus, Numerology is a science where the numeric values can interpret the incidents of life just like astrology.

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