Past Life Regression Patterns and Phenomena

Unraveling the Mysteries of Past Life Regression Therapy Sometimes we all have have this thought- what was my past life like? Also, many times we have heard the saying “It might be your past life karma”. Thus, the belief persists that past life can affect your present. Sometimes unfolding of the past can be positive…


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Unraveling the Mysteries of Past Life Regression Therapy

Sometimes we all have have this thought- what was my past life like? Also, many times we have heard the saying “It might be your past life karma”. Thus, the belief persists that past life can affect your present. Sometimes unfolding of the past can be positive or regressive. It is usually believed that past karma can influence your present life and even affect your future.

There are several practitioners who follow ‘past life regression’, a technique of hypnosis to recover the past memories and past live incarnation. It is a technique that energizes the soul of an individual and carries their journey to their past. It is considered to be an exceptional healing process and works upon their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Past life aggression is a method where the karmic processes are comprehended and past actions that form negative energies and blockages are considered during the healing process. It works on the root levels and enables deep changes from the source itself. The process involves a thorough “life review” of every past instance, including childhood memories and instances of the past which might be the underlying cause of the present problems.

Hence, regression therapy is crucial in understanding the stuck patterns and phenomena’s. The therapy supports you to understand oneself. It helps to explore past life and realize the eternal beings. The regression relieve method supports relieve from depression, chronic pain and fear, anxiety attacks and trauma.

The therapy helps you experience happiness and better health and resolving old issues. It supports an individual with more confidence and relates to better health and financial security. Therefore, past life regression is helpful for individuals physically, emotionally and mentally. It helps you surpass your insecurities, relationship issues, inhibitions, guilt and fear too and instead live a happy life.

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