Swadhisthana Chakra

Harnessing Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra: The Key to Emotional Well-being and Creativity. Swadhisthana is the second or Sacral chakra and like Muladhara is related to the unconscious mind, but here the seat of the self begins to emerge from the primal unconscious of Muladhara. Swadhisthana is the second or sacral chakra and like Muladhara is…


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Harnessing Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra: The Key to Emotional Well-being and Creativity.

Swadhisthana is the second or Sacral chakra and like Muladhara is related to the unconscious mind, but here the seat of the self begins to emerge from the primal unconscious of Muladhara.

Swadhisthana is the second or sacral chakra and like Muladhara is related to the unconscious mind, but here the seat of the self begins to emerge from the primal unconscious of Muladhara.

Aptly, this energy center is associated with your root issues, such as your sense of security, satisfying your basic needs, familial relationships, and how at home you feel in your body and on this planet.

Swadhistana chakra is related to the element of water and provides those same qualities of creativity, movement, change and flexibility to the body and mind. Being related to the element of water and strongly influenced by the moon and tides, Swadhisthana is emotional in nature, changeable, spontaneous and unpredictable. For this reason, the animal associated with this chakra is the crocodile, denoting its hidden dangers just below the water’s surface

Swadhishana chakra is very important in self-development, with it being the storehouse of all our personal impressions and habits from past actions. Yoga philosophy states that the energy of Swadhisthana is the stream and connective thread through not only this life but all our previous lives too. Its energy contains the seeds of actions or karma, our tendencies and desires (samskaras), whereas the energy of Muladhara chakra contains our biological and genetic inheritance to our past ancestors and provides our essential source of vital earth energy.

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